Who I Am

I am just a stay at home mom in a small corner of Iowa whose two kids go off to school each day and leave me to talk to myself.  I married my high school sweetheart and 13 years later we're still going strong. Our home is built on the Rock, and though we may whether some storms, we stay standing. Our current status is a cloudy day- My dear husband is working in the next state where we purchased an acreage for him to stay during the week and for the kids and I to hang out during the summer and hopefully a few weekends. We praise God for the work, as construction is a scary life right now, but adjusting to life apart more than together isn't always easy.

I began blogging to keep my sanity and to keep my neighbors from checking me into the physc ward. I love to laugh, listen, think, sometimes create, occasionally cry. I love getting to know people, but prefer it to be in the comfort of my own home. In my pj's.Unshowered. Cup of coffee in hand.

We are licensed foster parents and pray for God to bring children to us that we may show them His love and help them to find a forever home. We are so far from perfect, but we're honest.

This isn't the journey we've chosen, but we know that God leads us on these paths for reasons we may never know this side of Heaven. We trust in Him and His faithfulness.

I thank you for joining me on this journey, and hope that coming here to visit is like hanging out with friends over a cup of coffee.