Monday, May 24, 2010

Spilled over

I really do prefer to keep things light around here. I like being able to laugh and to make my readers laugh. But once in awhile, I am so overcome by emotion that I need to share the work of the Holy Spirit instead.

Yesterday was Pentecost. The celebration of the Holy Spririt's presence. We wore red. Red adorned the church. Revival Fire Fall and Holy Spirit Rain Down were sung to gear us up for the celebration.

And there was communion. Sweet communion. Amazing Grace.

That saved a wretch like me.
My cup spilled over onto my paper.

My tears flowed. Just as His blood was spilled for ME. His blood spilled for YOU.

The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.

Take a moment if you were unable to yesterday.
His blood. For you.

Welcome the Holy Spirit into your heart.


Jennifer @ said...

Laughter is good, yes. But this? This tender moment brings a smile, too. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart, Alicia.

You are one of the Pentecost people! Holy Spirit, rain down...

Dorcas said...

Amen! This is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!



Bina said...

His blood for me...gets my silence and tears in return as there is no other response that seems strong enough.

Thanks for this reminder, friend.

Ashli said...

I love, love, love when He washes over my soul and I feel "it" again like the first time!
It's times like the one you describe so wonderfully when I feel a fresh faith!
\We were just talking about missing communion in our church because of vacation! I miss it!

Cristi said...

I needed this today, a sweet reminder of God's true love!!! As I read this my heart filled with love and Joy knowing our Lord LOVES us so very much. And my eyes filled with tears of JOY!! THANK you so very much!

Diane said...

Thank you for the beautiful reminder and your raw reaction. He is THAT awesome. :O)

Deborah Ann said...

Laughing is fun and good. But sharing the love of God is even better. Thank you for these sweet words!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Beautiful Alicia. Beautiful.