Monday, December 6, 2010

Sinterklaas, Suzie Snowflake, SundaySchool, Sleep

Those pretty much some up my weekend. Well, except hockey- but that didn't work into and S.
I have lived in our little Dutch town for over 13 years and have donned my wooden shoes and scrubbed streets every May for the annual Tulip Festival for the last 6 years. Yet I have never taken my kids (or myself to the SinterKlaas parade downtown on the first Saturday of the month. It may have something to do with the 10 degree days that we usually have, but one can never be sure about the reasons.

So this year,since we already had a jam-packed Saturday, I promised my daughter we would squeeze that in too. After all, if you can only be home for 45 minutes, what's the point in being home at all right? That's what I figured. So after hockey, after delivering packages around town, after stopping at our school's cookie walk to purchase too many goodies and after a quick dance recital where we listened to "Susie Snowflake" 3 times, not once, not twice, but 3 times, we bundled up and awaited for the Dutch hero to arrive on his white horse. You can read all about the history of Sinterklaas here. Then we strolled down to City Hall where the kids listened to the history and then played games. For approximately 10 minutes because after all, we had to head to Sunday School Christmas program practice.

 My point in this post isn't to let you all know how busy I am, because I know that everyone is busy. That's called life. My point is, after all of the hustle and bustle. The sweat of hockey, the fun at dance, the excitement of seeing Sinterklaas... my favorite moment of the weekend was this:

 She was bound and determined to fall asleep in the chair with her daddy. And she did. And they stayed there...
until we woke at 4am with one heckuva kink in his neck. :) So he moved to the couch.

And I had the whoooolllleee king sized bed to myself.

aaahhhh..... sweet sleep....

(speaking of sleep, does anyone know how Nebraska faired?! I fell asleep as it was tied at 20. Yeah. I was shot too. I'm kind of afraid to look at the scores, so I haven't checked!)


Amy Sullivan said...

Sweet, sweet moment! Are you like me and leave an endless amount of pictures on the computer, but rarely print any out? This sweet one of your daughter and husband is worth the print out!

alicia said...

Oh Amy, You hit the nail on the head! I wish I were better at printing them off, you're right, this one is a printer. :)

Diane said...

That photo is a keeper. Beautiful love! :O)

Bina said...

Oh that has to be the sweetest picture EVER!!!