So lately I have been struggling with Identity. I think this is something that we could cover in support groups or meetings or conferences, etc for years, and while we learn so much... each season of life is a new struggle in identity. I think that women may experience the struggle more so, but I don't want to discount the 1 or 2 males reading this and say that you don't. But. Women do struggle with this more. Anyway, as the kids go back to school and I am again left in the dust, I often struggle with who I am, what should I be doing, is this enough, what do others think of me? I wonder what to do with my self......
Do I want to be an astronaut?
The other night as I was thinking of this post, I came across the song by Salvador, entitled Aware.
Really, all I want to be in this life is His daughter. I want to live my life for Him and give Him thanks for saving mine. Whatever else I do, as long as I do for Him, not me, will be right.
Lord, make me aware, help me to see that it is you, and this world has so little to do with me. Your great big plan is so much more than what I can imagine-- and I can imagine a lot! Use me as you would to work for you.
Aware by Salvador (pause the music at the bottom of the page first)
Girl you said it beautifully:
"I want to live my life for Him and give Him thanks for saving mine. Whatever else I do, as long as I do for Him, not me, will be right."
This is my prayer each day - thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable and open with your struggle...and I pray you know that you are not alone in it. I deal with this daily...but I know God to be fulfilling and faithful.
Praying for you tonight...
Bina~ So glad to hear from you tonight, I have been praying ferverently for you today- you shut off your comments and I couldn't get you to tell you. Take care my friend...
Praying your storm goes well.
Ok - at first you threw me by the "shut off your comments" thing, but then I remembered that I was playing with my settings...and it is fixed now! Sorry about that if I made ya worry...but the prayer has been most definately needed and has done me good!
Much love, my friend!
In reply to your comment on my blog: I love you back! :) Do this: go to my profile, click on my email and email me from your email...then I will send you my REAL email address (as that is just my spam one) and then we won't lost contact and maybe can get to know each other better!!
And if you can follow all of THAT rabbit trail, I know we can be lifelong pals! ha ha
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