Thursday, November 11, 2010

With Thanksgiving in your Hearts

First off, I can't thank y'all enough for weighing in on my last post! You are all so amazing! If you missed it or if you just needed to think longer, feel free to check it out and leave your thoughts. I can tell you that others in the Bible study have really enjoyed hearing from you all as well! So much so in fact that we've decided to share our topics with you every other week to get your feedback. So, stay tuned- on Monday I'll hope to hear from you on the subject "Waiting on God". More on that on Monday.

Today, I need to get back to my blessings. I was planning to do a weekly post on blessings on the week, and then let it go last week. Not because I didn't have any, I was just being lazy if you really must know. :)

So, this week I knew I had to do it. I challenged myself and I think its an important challenge. Little did I know that I would be handed some circumstances that really made me not want to come up with a gratitude list. But then I remember a sermon a few years back on Thanksgiving. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flow.
All Blessings- even those we don't want to count as blessings. We need to praise Him.
So, here I am.

This past week in blessings:
  1.  Steve made it home safely from China. That was a long week, despite me being used to him being gone, I didn't like him being that far gone with that little communication.
  2. Parent Teacher conferences are this week- I won't have ours until tonight, but I'm going to go ahead and assume that they will be a blessing. Our school is such a blessing to our family, I can't help but be grateful.
  3. Due to number 2, NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY! YEAH for long weekends! Especially when we get to go away and therefore we will ....
  4. Skip hockey Saturday morning! I know, I shouldn't be so happy, but when you have to be leave home by 7:30 on Saturday mornings, you cherish a day to just sleep in or hang out in your pj's drinking coffee until lunch time. (no, that won't happen, but its a lovely thought...)
  5. Friends to have lunch with, talk on the phone with, email, and text until our thumbs hurt. I don't really know what I'd do without them. Its only a small handful, but what I lack in quantity, I make up for in quality.
  6. Veterans. I can't even express properly the gratitude to all of our veterans and their families. Theirs is a sacrafice that I can't repay. Many blessings to those fine men and women.
I know there should be more, and I'm certain there are, this is a start for today.
What blessings have you experienced this week?


Karen said...

Alicia, that's cool about the long weekends! I look forward to hearing about your Bible study group.

Thankful? My son completed his tour with the Marines in 2003 and is okay. That's for this Veteran's Day.

Thankful we live in a free country, made so by the sacrifice of many.

Marissa said...

great post...lots to be thankful for this time of year and always :)

Jensamom23 said...

Lovely post, Alicia. Having my family safe and healthy is the

Melinda said...

A great reminder to focus on our blessings ... another blogging friend had a great post on gratitude today too. The most I focus on my blessings, the more grateful I feel and the pleasant I am to be around. ;0) Focusing on the negative tends to make us grouchy, doesn't it?

I'm very humbled and grateful for a couple of new opportunities God has brought me that are allowing me to use my talents. And I am so grateful that He somehow sees fit to use me even when I feel like I fall short so many times. He never gives up on me. He loves me unconditionally and more than I can fathom.