Thursday, September 24, 2009

One Step Further

All day this has been on my mind. Remember the point from Dr Lew that I mentioned in my last post that says "When you look at your spouse remember that there was a time you would have done anything to get/keep him" ? Well, today, that stayed with me, and I then thought, What if we take that one step further? What if we remember the first time that we knew, really knew, Jesus as our Lord and Savior? What if we remember when we look at our Bible, how anxious we used to be to dive in and just devour the words in front of us, like an unquenchable thirst we couldn't get enough of what He had to say? What if when we hear His holy name, we remember the first time that we said "Jesus, come into my heart, it is yours now" What if when we sing those awesome praise songs, we remember the goose bumps that they first brought to us? What if when we are tempted by sin, we remember how when we first believed, we would have done anything to prevent hurting Him? And what if when we look at the cross, we remember that He loved us so much that He DID do EVERYTHING for us?
It is so easy for us to become stale in our faith. It becomes a chore, a nagging thing we have to do, something we are great at for a few days and then get busy with life again. Much like our marriages do, when we forget how much we loved that person at one time. I encourage you to go ahead, and remember what that was like, when all you wanted to do was love your God and honor and praise Him!
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5


Bina said...

Woo Hoo!! And she's BACK...with a vengance!! Well written and oh so true!! I pray that God meets you in this focus and proves Himself to you over and over.

steph said...

Man, nothing like being to the point, eh? ha! I never want to forget the freshness of His love I have for Him.
