Monday, August 23, 2010

A Whole Lot of Not Much

Okay, so I took a little more time off than I really had planned to from blogging. I am sorry, for all 2 of you that noticed, but it was a welcome break. I am just trying to soak up these last few moments of summer before the kids start school again this week.

A part of me is ready for the routine and they are ready to see their friends again. But the other part of me is wondering what on earth I am going to do with them gone all day! I will go back to talking to myself I am sure. Don't fear, I'm sure you all will get in on some of my random thoughts more often because of that. I know, try to hold back your excitement.

Of course I have decided to go for mom of the year and schedule my son's dentist appointment for the afternoon of the first day of school. I know, I'm the best, he told me so. I really couldn't help it, with us being gone all summer it just didn't work to get those appointments in when necessary.

It also dawned on me a couple weeks back that my kids never did swimming lessons this summer. I know I had intentions of scheduling those... but again.. mother of the year. Oh well, I don't really believe that they are in danger for not completing them for one summer when they both swim just fine.

Our mail had been forwarded all summer, which of course led the 3rd class mail piling up at the post office. Friday I went to pick that giant bag of very important mail. Good thing I did. Who knows what I would have done without all of those expired coupons and learning that JC Penney was having the biggest sale ever that weekend.
In this stash of junk mail was a new kids clothing catalog called Tea. The fall collection? "Old World Hungary" My first reaction was of course relief as Maicy had just been lamenting over how she wished there was a store that carried clothes that reminded her of the peasant villages in a European country.The sheer joy in this discovery will ease our distress over clothes immediately.
I will however, admit that some of its pretty cute and if I want to spend $45 on a shirt that my daughter will stain in 2 hours, I will be sure to look further into it. Okay, it is actually more reasonably priced than that, and now that I bashed it, I am sure I will order from it and fall in love with their clothing. Of course, despite the exciting breaking news that they have women's clothing as well I do assure you that I will not be spending $168 on a sweater. That was no exaggeration.

In other mind numbing boring news, that no one cares about, I can't tell you how excited I am that I am now the owner of a Nook! For those who don't know, a Nook is the Barnes & Noble equivalent (or supreme) to the Kindle. I just got it Saturday and got it working yesterday, so I can't give a concrete review, but so far I LOVE it. I went back and forth for awhile on the whole e-book vs written word debate and well, convenience won out when the dear hubby of mine was stumped as to what to get me for a birthday gift and we walked into Barnes and Noble Saturday and my face lit up. So, no, I wasn't surprised by my gift, but that's who cares! Now I can spend my birthday reading whatever I want on my gift.

In the interest of keeping this post as completely random as possible, I have more non-essential information for you. My kids are plotting planning to make me breakfast in bed today. Should be interesting. By the time most of you read this, I'll know how it turned out. Thankfully they had the foresite to call in grandma to assist them with this, so it should work out okay. They have also been busy making me homemade birthday gifts. Should prove to be an interesting and fabulous birthday! I'll try to have my camera handy to capture the breakfast moment. ;)

Well, that is about all of the miscellaneous catching up I can do for now. If you're still here, you're a saint!

So, when do your kids go back to school? Are you celebrating or mourning this time?


Diane said...

I am thinking some sort of birthday present is in need here since the whole going to Iowa for the summer thing has been temporarily dropped..... Please fb DM me your address and I will have to work on something. :O)

Hugs my friend!

Marissa said...

breakfast for Mommy? So sweet :) Well, my three year old is going to be starting preschool on the 31st, but we're excited because last years MDO program was not exactly preschool...this year will be exciting! Wow, I've heard those Nook's are pretty cool-enjoy it! Have a great day and dentist appt too!

Jensamom23 said...

Today marked the beginning of our
2nd week of school...ughgh. I failed in the swimming lesson department this summer as well. My youngest had been asking for months and months and then summer was over without me signing her up. Oh well...just mor Mommy guilt.

Karen said...

Alicia, what DID you get for breakfast? I usually had a bit of mourning, but my friends and I always made the first day of school a holiday for us and went shopping and out to eat. (So my sadness went away quickly. :P)

Bina said...

ah it is moments like these when I smile to myself as I remember why I heart you so.

I am still a written word hold-out, only because I am afraid that when I go read in my favorite place ever...I might get electrocuted when I drop the Nook into the soap bathwater...hmmm....

I hope you are enjoying your birthday and that you weren't poisoned by breakfast!!!

Many hugs...

Esther said...

In our area, school doesn't start till Sept. I am CELEBRATING!! I am going to miss the kiddos, but I am craving some quiet and a regular schedule!

Melinda said...

I love random posts ... :0) You're a great mama ... if it makes you feel any better, I scheduled 3 -- count them three -- drs. appts for my daughter in the first 3 weeks of school. Yea, I'm a great planner.

I'm glad to have a routine again. We had an awesome summer, but it was time to get back into a groove. Kids start soccer today ... let the craziness begin!